Ugh! It's been awhile since I posted. I really did have every intention of blogging weekly... somehow all the work involved in teaching ends up taking every last minute of my time. Maybe next year when I'm no longer a "first year teacher" I'll have a bit more wiggle room.
I wanted to follow up on what we did with Educreations in math. It was one of my "oh wow" teaching moments!
We have been working hard on explaining how we do our work in math. A lot of this is done verbally during whole class lessons, but unless I take notes while I'm teaching (ha-ha), I have to rely on my memory to supply me feedback for assessment. The kids also have to write explanations, but for some kids, writing what they are thinking is still a challenge.
Enter Educreateions.
Educreations is a cool app that allows you to draw on a blank page, much like a whiteboard, and to record your voice while you are drawing. During one of our math rotations, I had the kids create an Educreations video showing how they do a double digit subtraction problem, including explanations of how and why they ungroup. I was able to go back and view the videos to assess who was understanding the concept, and able to explain what they were doing.
sample video